Any standard web browser that is up to date should work with MyWTS. However, if you experience strange behavior of issues, try Chrome or Edge as these are the most consistently compatible browsers. When in doubt, always check that your browser is current on all updates.
Did you forget your login information? If so, first remember that your user name is your student ID. If you also need your password, please use the 'I Forgot My Password' link. For more help using this feature, please see the 'What if I forget my MyWTS password?' section of this help page.
Do you have an account? Only people who have applied for admission at WTS, current students, faculty, staff, and some alumni have accounts on MyWTS.
If your login is related to a specific form on MyWTS (such as the Internship Site Application) so that you can save your work, the login you have should be used on that specific form page and will not work in the general login at the top of the site.
For help with MyWTS or broader IT questions (such as wireless access, your Wartburg network and e-mail account, including Office 365 e-mail), contact our Information Technology (IT) Help Desk at
If you have questions pertaining to Admissions, including campus visit requests, information requests, and applications forms, please contact the Admissions office (563-589-0203, )
If you have questions pertaining specifically to registration for courses, please contact the Registrar (Kevin Anderson, 563-589-0211, )
We can't use the Back button because MyWTS operates as a Secure website, in the same fashion as a bank or credit card website, since we dealing with student accounts, monetary transactions, grades, course registrations, and other confidential information. To operate with that level of security means we give up flexibility in site navigation to make sure the correct confidential information is transferred with each page request on the website.
Instead, please use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the left hand column labeled with 'You are here: ', or the navigational tabs, buttons, and links within the site.
The following instructions only apply to applicants and alumni. (Students, Faculty, and Staff - Your password is the same as that with your network and email accounts, and is maintained separately over on the Wartburg Seminary network. Please see 'Help with Office 365 Account' for more information about your O365 login.)
To change your MyWTS password, first log into MyWTS. Once logged in, select the "Personal Info" link under the WTS banner next to your name:

Then click on the "Password" tab and follow the directions:

Your new password must be at least 8 characters long (with 16 characters as the maximum) and should include at least one of each of the following: letters (both upper and lower case), numbers, special characters (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ~ only).
After you have saved your new password, return to MyWTS by the Home or Student tab.
Students, Faculty, and Staff - please see the section 'Help with Office 365 Account'
The 'I forgot my password' feature of MyWTS will randomly generate a new password for you that is then sent to you via email.
To access this feature, you must first attempt to login. After a failed login attempt, you will be redirected to this page:

Click on the 'I forgot my password' link (circled, above). This brings you here:

To reset your password, click on the black circled button (above image) and you will receive an email from Help Desk with your new password.
Once you have logged in with your new password, you may change it to something you would prefer using the directions in the heading above.