Updated 20 January 2022 to the 2022 Version.
Released August 1, 2024, with adjustments to the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry, and Master of Arts degree programs, plus newer policy and procedural changes, as well as new non-degree certificate programs. Includes 2024-2025 tuition and fee updates, and academic year calendars for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.Â
Corrected version, 30 October 2023 (fixing the 2024-2025 academic-year calendar).
Released August 11, 2022, with adjustments to the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry, and Master of Arts degree programs, plus for the "Classic" TEEM program. Includes 2022-2023 tuition and fee updates, and academic calendars for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
Interim update version, released 28 April 2022, that redacts some portions of the "Classic TEEM" program (pages 50-54) that no longer apply. This version is otherwise the same as the original release of 10 August 2021, which had further corrections applied 26 August and 28 October.
Release at the end of July 2020.
As released 26 November 2019. Still possibly subject to corrections as needed.
Last Updated 28 February 2019.
Catalog Supplement - Specifically for New Students Beginning Fall 2019. This particular version of the supplement may receive further minor edits, although the primary information should not be changing.
[Current students should continue to refer to the catalog published when they began as students, either the 2017-2019, 2016-2017 Supplement, or 2015-2017 catalogs.]
Describing the revised Master of Divinity and MA in Diaconal Ministry degree programs for new students starting Fall 2016.
Version with up-to-date WAS Bylaws, uploaded 4/4/2024.
Guidelines for the Master of Arts (MA) degree program, Revised in Spring 2020.
Use this form after registration has closed (for example, at the end of the semester) to request a course extension or for a late course withdrawal. There is a separate, simpler form to drop courses before the add/drop date.
For degree students - Used to declare your intent to complete a Concentration in conjunction with your degree program. Secure all needed signatures and return to the Registrar's office. Form last updated 5 January 2024.
2021 ELCA Candidacy Manual
Revised 31 January 2025
As of 14 November 2024. Still subject to change.
As of 19 November 2025. Revised to add a second residential preaching precept. Still subject to change.
As of 13 November 2024. Still subject to change.
A revised January 2025 catalog is now available, with information updated through October 22, 2024.
Students: To submit your new or updated J-Term course preferences, please use this form -Â https://mywts.wartburgseminary.edu/ICS/Student/J-Term_Preference_Form.jnz
If you have questions about specific J-Term courses, please contact the person named as instructor first of all. Questions about J-Term in general can be asked of your faculty advisor. Contact the Registrar for most everything else.
Watch for further additions to this catalog throughout the remainder of Fall Semester 2024.
Last updated April 2, 2024.
The Tanzania Trip for January 2025 has been CANCELLED. Announcement sent out by email on May 6, 2024.
MN 383W-L2 When Faith Hurts course description, as shared for other potential ELCA seminary cross-registration, 24 September 2024.
MN 396W-L2 Loss, Grief, and Hope course description, as shared for other potential ELCA seminary cross-registration, 24 September 2024.
MN 396W-L3 Holden Village course description, as shared for other potential ELCA seminary cross-registration, 24 September 2024.
Revised Version, 30 August 2024.
Revised Version, 30 August 2024
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2024 for courses that are primarily taken by first-year MDiv, MA, and MADM students. Last updated 22 April 2024.
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2024 for courses that are primarily taken by second-year (continuing year) MDiv, MA, and MADM students. Last updated 15 May 2024.
Draft schedule of courses that are normally taken by Year 3 MDiv CL students only. Last updated 22 April 2024. Still subject to change if needed.
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2024 for courses that are primarily taken by Final-Year (Year 4) MDiv students. Last updated 30 August 2024.
Block schedule pulling together in one place all the courses for Fall Semester 2024 that are considered "elective" or meet other degree distributional requirements. Last updated 12 July 2024 (following cancellation of IN 203E). Still subject to change as needed.
Revised 12 July 2024, indicating the cancelling of IN 203E.
Revised version, 12 February 2024, correcting or moving more classrooms.
As of 16 November 2023.
As of 17 November 2023 (after correcting the worship elective course number).
A revised edition of the January 2024 catalog of offerings is now available, updated with known details as of 17 October 2023.
This version adds the 2024 information for the Pine Ridge/Indigenous Peoples J-Term, raises the enrollment limit for the Ministry in a Digital World course, announces a new asynchronous course (on Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianities in a Global Perspective), reports two FULL courses (Iceland/Norway and Tanzania), the (unexpected) CANCELLATION of the Disability/MOSAIC course, and a January Rural Ministry Option (in addition to the May Hungary option), plus now also provides details on the just-announced Hispanic J-Term online course (through the HSP consortium, who external application process opened October 15).
Students: To submit your J-Term course preferences, please use this form - https://mywts.wartburgseminary.edu/ICS/Student/J-Term_Preference_Form.jnz
Revised version, 25 September 2023. With more room changes, but no actual schedule change.
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2023 for courses that are primarily taken by first-year MDiv, MA, and MADM students. Last updated 19 April 2023.
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2023 for courses that are primarily taken by second-year (continuing year) MDiv, MA, and MADM students. Last updated 19 April 2023.
Draft schedule of courses that are normally taken by Year 3 MDiv CL students only. Last updated 19 April 2023. Still subject to change if needed.
This is a work in progress, but is the current draft scheduled planned for Fall 2023 for courses that are primarily taken by Final-Year (Year 4) MDiv students. Last updated 25 April 2023.
Block schedule pulling together in one place all the courses for Fall Semester 2023 that are considered "elective" or meet other degree distributional requirements. Last updated 19 April 2023. Still subject to change if needed.
This is a work in progress, but as of 25 April 2023 is currently what is known to be planned for Fall 2023 courses.
Revised 15 February2023, with further minor adjustments.
Revised 15 February 2023, with further minor adjustments.
As of 15 November 2022
Revised 28 November 2022, to fix the course number listed for the Romans course.
Revised 21 November 2022, moving IN 252W to Wednesday afternoon.
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND STILL VERY MUCH SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Last updated 10 November 2022. Schedules are projected to appear during the week of November 14-18.
A complete J-Term Catalog for the January 2023 Interim is now available, updated as of 15 November 2022, including a new course added (!) and update on space availability (with essentially all courses and trips now closed/full except for Pine Ridge/Indigenous Peoples Immersion, Geneva/Taize/Strasbourg, and the new course). Students: To submit your J-Term course preferences, please use this form - https://mywts.wartburgseminary.edu/ICS/Student/J-Term_Preference_Form.jnz
Revised 15 September 2022, to adjust some classroom usage.
Revised 18 July 2022, implementing the mid-May adopted faculty change to the MDiv degree, changing the fieldwork requirement, removing IN 171W and IN 271W from the fall schedule. See other notifications or instructions being sent out to the affected students by the Registrar.
As of 20 April 2022. Still subject to change.
Corrected version, as of 15 September 2022 (fixing the final-year Advanced Bible - HB to the correct time on Monday afternoons). Still subject to change.
Initial listing of possible courses for Fall 2022, as of 11 April 2022.
As of 1 February 2022, most recently fixing the MN 306 Monday scheduled time.
As of 25 January 2022.
Revised 2 December 2021 to hopefully remove the confusion that MADM students are experiencing about whether MN 270W pastoral care is required of them or not.
Proposed as of 19 November 2021. NOTE: The schedule for the MN 230W Preaching course is very much subject to change, depending on who ultimately will be the instructor(s) for the course, and their particular expectations and availability for teaching. The proposed scheduled given here presumes the chosen instructor(s) can fit into the pattern and mode of teaching that we have used in previous years, which formed the basis for this tentative spring schedule. The reality has yet to unfold on whether this presumption is correct or not. Therefore, students expecting to be in MN 230W Preaching will also need to remain flexible and be prepared for possible adjustments being necessary in the schedule that might also not appear to be ideal to your short-term liking. Best to keep your eye focused on the final goal, which is the completion of this necessary requirement in order to proceed on to such requirements as your internship and other future courses. May this disclaimer on the matter be all that needs to be said the Registrar, and hopefully instead everything works out as needed.
Proposed as of 19 November 2021
Proposed as of 13 December 2021, moving MN 306 from Tuesday to Monday afternoon.
Revised as of 2 December 2021 (fixing the instructions on MN 270 as to who needs to take the course).
This is the updated 2022 J-Term catalog, as of 19 November 2021, with now adding an asynchronous course option, and three course options from LSTC and four from PLTS, plus a non-ELCA Hispanic Summer Program course in January. The previous most recent changes were the cancellation (postponement to 2023) of the Holy Land trip, that the Eco-justice J-Term is now Synchronous-Zoom only, with no travel to Arizona, plus updates on enrollment openings.
All offerings, but particularly all courses that involve travel, are still subject to change or cancellation between now and January 2022, pending ongoing pandemic or conditions of world conflict. Continue to monitor for updates.
Contact the named instructor for each course for further details on any of our J-Term course offerings.
To submit your J-term Preferences, use this form:https://mywts.wartburgseminary.edu/ICS/Student/J-Term_Preference_Form.jnz
You must have a valid WTS e-mail address to use the form on the MyWTS web portal.
Revised to 16 September 2021
Revised 19 April 2021
Replaced 12/6/2024 with more detail on known dates.
Corrected version, 5 December 2023, waiving the BI 190 requirement for MDiv students.